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We strive to instill in others of all ages a love and understanding of the geological sciences and associated lapidary arts by exhibiting the beauty of the natural world, its geological processes, and the art which may be produced from the fruits of these processes by the amateur and skilled artisan alike. This is accomplished by a variety of activities.
The activities of the Austin Gem and Mineral Society include, but are not be limited to: classes in geological sciences and lapidary arts; field trips; meetings; workshop; lectures; educational outreach via school visits; educational exhibits and demonstrations at educational fairs and in other public locations; displays; an annual show; and participation in worthy educational projects sponsored locally, regionally, or nationally. The general public is invited to our meetings and programs.
Founded in 1950, the Austin Gem and Mineral Society is a nonprofit membership organization that welcomes all gem and mineral enthusiasts. AGMS offers networking and educational opportunities while exploring a wide variety of gem and mineral related topics.
Additionally, members have access to online resources through the members’ portal on this website. The member portal provides real-time member interactions on a wide variety of subjects through blogs, subject related forums, and general club informational postings.