First Saturday Information
First Saturday Meet-Up and Network events are held April through July 2024.
This year’s events will be held:
Saturday, April 6: 9 to 1
Saturday, May 4: 9 to 1
Saturday, June 1: 9 to 1
Saturday, July 6: 9 to 1
Saturday, September 7: 9 to 1
Here is a sample of the booths we’ll have at each event:
- Identify My Rocks Booth – bring your specimens to the event for identification!
- Facility Tours – see what resources the club offers
- Cabbing and Slabbing Demonstration – Class Instructors on hand to answer questions
- Gem Capers Booth – Wheel of Fortune, Gem Capers Show information and volunteer opportunities
- Club Member Sales – member booths offering gem/mineral/fossil related items for sale
- Club Merchandise Sales – get your AGMS Name Badge and T-Shirt! The club will also have a wide variety of rough, slabs and used equipment for sale at each event. Come in early to get the best selection!
- Youth Programs – fun and hands-on activities for youth to learn about rocks
- Refreshments
First Saturday events offer opportunities to meet other members, allow non members to become familar with AGMS, ask questions, get answers, get involved!
More Activities and Possibilities are in the works!
Member are encouraged to invite guests!
Get Involved!
Wanna help out? We hope so! — We are looking for help with a variety of needs to support our First Saturday Meet-Up and Network events.
Volunteers are needed:
- set up/clean up,
- demonstrations,
- speakers,
- club information tables,
- merchant sales,
- youth programs,
- other activities as they develop.
Drop us a comment from the website, or send an email to
Member Booth Sales Information
The Austin Gem and Mineral Society
First Saturday, Member Sales
AGMS is offering Members an opportunity to sell their work, materials, equipment, and products. This is an excellent opportunity for hobbyists to gain experience displaying and selling their work. All sale offerings must be gem/mineral/fossil related and be your own work/property. No bulk sales from outside sources. We are offering members one (1) 10 – 10’ X 10’ space at our First Saturday Meet up and Network events from 9 to 1, May through July 2024.
- Booth fee is $50.00 per event.
- Members are limited to one booth space per event and must stay within the 10’x10’ space provided.
- Multiple Members may share a single booth space, however all participants in the booth must be current Members. Non-members can help Members with booth sales, however all who are sharing a booth and offering their items for sale must be current AGMS Members.
- Booths may not be joined together to create a larger space.
- Payment is required prior to the event date and is non-refundable.
- Booth assignments are on a first-come first-served basis the day of the event.
Next First Saturday Booth Registration
Upcoming Booth reservations open the Sunday following a First Saturday event
What is provided:
- A space in the AGMS parking lot.
- One (1) 10’ x 10’ popup tent will be provided.
- One (1) 6’ table.
- Two (2) chairs.
- No power will be provided, generators are not allowed
You bring:
- Items to sale.
- Display units for your products/items/materials.
- Pricing for items.
- Payment methods (cash, credit, electronic) – Wi-Fi connection not guaranteed. AGMS will not provide any cash or change.
- Sales Tax for your booth sales is your responsibility.
- Method for buyers to transport purchases (bags, etc.).
- Snacks, drinks, etc. to keep your hydrated.
- Gates open at 7:00 a.m.
- Booth Setup: 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. No vehicles allowed in the parking lot.
- Show starts at 9:00 a.m. and continues until 1:00 p.m.
- Street parking only – do not park to the immediate right (south) of AGMS.
- Restrooms inside AGMS clubhouse will be available.
- Sale Booths are not pre-assigned; selection is “first-come-first-serve”
- Sponsor/Partner booths will be preassigned by AGMS.
- Weather-related cancellation decisions will be made starting 24 hours in advance.
- Signs or banners placed on booths must be fully removable and not harm AGMS property.
- Street parking only – use of parking lots to the left or AGMS are ok – do not park in the parking area to the immediate right of AGMS. Do not park in the Empire Store parking area (this business is open for customers on Saturdays.
- Inside Restrooms available.
Take Down:
- Take down begins at 1:00 pm. Emergency exceptions will be made by a committee member. Vendors leaving early will be barred from future events.
- All materials must be removed by 2:00 p.m.
- You must remove all your merchandise and trash from your booth area.
- Tents, tables and chairs should be clean and unharmed.
- You must remove any tape, streamers, or other decorations from your booth area.
Additional Un-tented Spaces
Once all tented spaces are reserved, AGMS may offer un-tented space. Openings and prices will be announced on AGMS website. Vendors will be responsible for their own tent, tables, chairs, etc. All other rules apply. Price will be determined at time of offering.
If all booth spaces are sold and you are interested in an un-tented space, send an email request with your name, contact information and photo examples of items to be sold to
General Rules:
- This is an Austin Gem and Mineral Society Membership activity. Invited guests are welcome; these events will not be advertised or promoted for general public participation. The events will be posted on social media and will be linked to Sponsor/Partner websites and other related social media sites/pages to encourage participation and to promote AGMS. Participants are encouraged to post their booth information on their social media to invite guests to come to the event.
- Member Sales provide AGMS Members with an opportunity sell their work, materials, equipment, or products. All sale offerings must be gem/mineral/fossil related and be the member’s own work/property. No bulk sales from outside sources. The sale of others’ products, such as retail vendors, will be not allowed.
- Sales not focused on gem/mineral/fossil products, materials, or equipment will not be allowed.
- If the event is canceled due to weather, AGMS will try to schedule paid booths on another upcoming date.
- The aluminum framed tents cannot bear a lot of weight. Fees to repair or replace pop up tents will be charged if staff has to remove tape or if tents are damaged.
- See the website for the link and more information at
- No vehicles allowed in the parking lot. You must bring all your booth items in – no offloading your vehicle and driving out to park. Bring your own dollies, wagons, non-motorized carts, etc. to bring your merchandise to your booth space.
- Member Booth selection is “first-come-first-serve” the day of the event.
- Sponsor and club booths will be preassigned in accordance with club needs or as agreed through the sponsor agreement.
- All First Saturday events are weather dependent (if lightning is forecast by the national weather service by the 6:00 p.m. news the day before, the event will canceled – an email will be sent to members who have registered and paid for their booth – cancellation notice will be posted on the AGMS Website and Member Dashboard. Check the website for cancellation if severe storms are predicted for the day of the event, government offices are closing due to weather conditions and predictions, or high winds or lightning is predicted during the event.
- Please bring all snacks, drinks etc. you need so that you will not need to leave your booth or the grounds to go get food. When it is hot or humid, please bring plenty of water to drink.